Windows server 2008 r2 standard edition end of life free

Windows server 2008 r2 standard edition end of life free

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Yet, heterogeneous environments are common today. In fact, there are now more non-Windows-based IT resources than ever before in just about every category of software solution or service. In turn, IT admins and DevOps engineers have more options than ever to replace Windows Server roles with a wide range of alternative solutions. The end result is that many IT admins are migrating off of the platform entirely. The question is, what could possibly replace Windows Server? The good news is that there are a number of alternatives for IT and DevOps organizations to consider.

For example, Linux is now often a base OS for a wide range of in-house developed applications. As well, many of the applications that were previously running on Windows Server are being shifted to web applications provided by third parties.

And, of course, a new generation of cloud directory service is replacing Active Directory and its associated domain controller functions. That is, a cross-platform, vendor-neutral, protocol-driven directory service that securely manages and connects users to virtually any IT resource—regardless of the platform, provider, protocol, or location.

So, for IT organizations that are trying to migrate away from Windows Server , JumpCloud has your identity management angle covered. And, as IT admins know, managing a network begins with managing the user. You can also sign up for a free account and check out our Active Directory alternative today.

Vince is a writer and video specialist at JumpCloud. Originally from the horse capital of New Mexico, Corrales, he has lived in Boulder, Colorado for three years. Share This Article. This time, the end of date is Jan 14, , which is Extended Support end date.

The end of Mainstream Support means that that Microsoft will no longer improve the product, accept warranty claims, or provide non-security hot fixes. While the end of Extended Security Updates means that bug fixes and security updates will no longer available.

In general, regular updates free security updates on-premises, non-security updates, free support options and online technical content update are not provided any more, which indicates the real end of one operating system. In fact, not only Windows Server , some other systems have also been announced the end of active support and security support, you can click here to check. As mentioned earlier, from January 14, , Microsoft will not provide any security updates and vulnerability patches, therefore your computer will be more volnerable to security risks.

EternalBlue and BlueKeep are 2 powerful vulnerabilities cyber criminals frequently exploit in the recent years, which lead to huge data loss.

WannaCry in is the most typical example. Many organizations need to follow the security rules to keep your equipment up to date regarding compliance. If you are still running Windows Server R2 past its expiration date, your business will no longer be compliant.

It's really expensive for an organization to maintain an outdate opersting system, except for the basic maintainance, you still need to do more to enhance its security. In addition, the outdated software on your computer will greatly increases the risk of spreading malware.

Even though Microsoft has anounced the end of Windows Server R2 Extended Support, you still have some ways to get extended support. But please note that this kind of extension is limited, and Microsoft recommends you upgrade to a newer version instead.

For enterprises, you could consider paying for extended security update subscription to remain your server protected, until you are ready to upgrade to newer Windows Servre version. These updates are provided for up to three years after the end of support lifecycle date, that means the support is only available until , at that time, it's real end.

Thus, you can use it as a transition solution, not a long-term plan. Actually, Microsoft provides a way for Windows Server users to extend security updates. That is to say, you can get another 3 years of protection by migrating to Microsoft Azure.

Nevertheless, not all products are qualified to the migration rule. Only products in the chart below are able to do the migration. For more information, if you own one of following products, you have to seek another way out since they are not eligible to the Extended Security Updates. These products are coming to their real end.

You can upgrade Windows Server R2 operating system to higher editions, such as Server or latest Server , Besides, you may need to do some infrastructure updates like drivers updating, physical hard drive upgrading, etc. No matter which method you prefer, the first thing you need to do is creating protection for existing crucial data, especially the data of clients.

Now that security updates are no longer available, we can't throw away data backups anymore. Two practical backup utilities will be recommended for different backup conditions.



Windows server 2008 r2 standard edition end of life free.Windows Server 2008 R2

    Consequently, data and resources that are tied to Windows Server or R2 will become increasingly vulnerable to attack. Select the Filter button in the Azure Portal ribbon to check your global subscription filter. For example, Window Server functions as the base OS for a number of legacy applications, but generally modern applications are being built in the cloud and often on the Linux platform. The third year of ESU support will start in January


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